Friday, June 29, 2012

Thank you from GLAM!

Well what a run it has been! On Wednesday we wrapped up our 2nd night of the GLAM! Pride Game Show Revue and couldn't be more happier with the contestants, panelists and fun we had! We raised some good money for SOY which will go directly to helping GLBT teens in Toronto with community development and support.

I am honoured to be a part of GLAM! and all that it has done with all of our past events - GLAM! Pride Editions, Halloween Hangover, 1st Annual & Cancer Can Sux it Edition. GLAM! is an event that showcased some of Toronto's best and focused on raising funds for amazing causes and I am so honoured to have created it 2 years ago.

Sadly, after much thought and debate I have decided at this time to retire the GLAM! Live Show for awhile. I am working on developing the same feel - a cocktail party vibe - for television and hope to have some test pilots of that in the future.

To all the GLAMAZONS - thank you! You are what inspire me to be better then I am everyday - You are talented and it amazes me daily at what skills you can bring to an event!

To all the audience members who have ever attended - continue to demonstrate Glamour, Power and Humour in Your life - because in the end that's all it takes.

And finally - to my Mom Pat McFarlane - who was the reason I did GLAM! The Reason I push myself daily - you embodied perseverance, laughter and humour - GLAM! was always and will always be a representation of you.

Thank you all! Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.
